domingo, 20 de julio de 2014

¡No podrás dejar de leerlo!

5.0 out of 5 starsBeautifully-written story of a house with some dark secrets, April 8, 2014
Amazon Customer
Verified Purchase
Very optimistic despite its dark moments. While reading you identify greatly with the heroine who, in a certain sense, got a second lease of life, but this time it all ends well. Oh very well indeed. Who wouldn't like to be crimson clad, dark-haired Iberian beauty unravelling secrets of her own mansion with a hunky soon to be doctor? A story about reincarnation, crime, romance, passion, DIY (of all things)? Definitely all elements are there. Simply-written, nevertheless challenging for learners and speakers of Spanish alike. Do try it and you will not be able to put it down for the curiosity of what happens next. The screwdriver keeps opening new and unexpected passages that lead to new mysteries...

Manuel Nasarre
Compra verificada
Esta opinión es de: ElSacacorchos (Tapa blanda)
Un relato que te engancha y te entretiene hasta un serpenteante y bien detallado final. La imaginación también ha trabajado durante la satisfactoria lectura.

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